Nothochrysa fulviceps
A very impressive - and rare - lacewing! This species is large (I think our largest green lacewing) and distinctively-marked with its orange head and bold black stripes down the back and bottom of its abdomen. I caught two specimens in my garden moth trap on a very warm night with torrential rain showers. Prior to these there was only one accepted record from Norfolk, a coastal record in July 2015 (and an unconfirmed but probable record from a nearby location a few days earlier). There were very few records of this species across the UK - including the Norfolk record there were 5 records from 4 UK sites in 2015 which increased the total number of British records by a third!
There have been further county records in Norfolk in July and August 2022 (Congham and Litcham) and September 2024 (Hunstanton), all to moth traps.
Nothochrysa fulviceps, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 25th July 2019
The moth trap was a bit flooded as a result of overnight thunderstorms and the second individual was found bedraggled (but alive) in the bottom of the trap.
Nothochrysa fulviceps, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 25th July 2019