
Chrysopa commata

A reasonably common species in Norfolk and one which I catch in my garden moth trap nearly every year (none in 2021) and occasionally encounter during the day or coming to light elsewhere. It is mostly recorded between mid July and mid August but can be found between late May and early September.

In common with some other members of the genus Chrysopa, the second segments of the antennae are black in this species. The other common members of the genus have much more extensive black on the top of the head and tend to be bluer green, but Chrysopa abbreviata (in Norfolk only rarely recorded from the east coast) and Chrysopa phyllochroma (rare in Norfolk, recorded in the Brecks) also need to be eliminated before recording a lacewing as commata. Chrysopa commata differs from these two in having black sutures on the side of the thorax and the base of the abdomen. Unfortunately these black lines tend not to be visible on photos of live insects as they are covered by the base of the wings; the wings have some black veins so if you do see black lines in this area then unless it's an extremely high quality photo (better than mine!) it may not be possible to tell if they are the sutures showing through or the veins of the wings. Chrysopa abbreviata can be further separated from commata by the shape of the claws.

Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 10th July 2016

The close-up photo below was taken with the wings lifted to reveal the black sutures on the sides of the thorax and the base of the abdomen.

Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 9th July 2016

Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 10th July 2023

If you take the photo from a low enough angle you might just be able to make out the dark sutures on the side of the thorax. Note that in this individual cross-vein RMCV coincides with the tip of cell IMC - normally it is basal to the tip, entering the side of cell IMC.

Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata
male Chrysopa commata showing side of thorax (2 photos), top of head and thorax, forwing (including close-ups of base and mid-costa) and abdomen tip from side (before and after clearing), North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 24th July 2022

Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 3rd June 2020

Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 12th August 2018

Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, Sporle Wood (Norfolk, UK), 27th July 2023

Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 2nd August 2018

Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 23rd July 2016

Chrysopa commata
Chrysopa commata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 29th May 2019

Chrysopa commata Chrysopa commata
2x Chrysopa commata, Warham Greens (Norfolk, UK), 16th June 2017