
Nothochrysa capitata

A very distinctive species, quite unlike anything else found in the UK. The term "green lacewing" hardly applies here, but neither does the vernacular name that I have occasionally seen attributed to this species, namely Black Lacewing. I suppose Brown Lacewing wouldn't do as it would invite confusion with the brown lacewings (family Hemerobiidae).

This species is hard to find, with just 6 records in the last 3 decades in Norfolk. It has been speculated that this may be due to its reluctance to come to light, preferring to remain in canopy, rather than due to genuine rarity.

Identification is straighforward. I don't think there should be any confusion with the brown lacewing family, but I suppose at a stretch someone might confuse the brown winter form of Chrysoperla carnea with capitata, however carnea is never so extensively reddish-brown from head to abdomen and pterostigma.

Finding one of these in my garden moth trap was exciting, but the event was somewhat overshadowed by finding 2 Notochrysa fulviceps in the same trap! This was on a mild night with heavy thunderstorms.

Nothochrysa capitata Nothochrysa capitata Nothochrysa capitata
Nothochrysa capitata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 25th July 2019

Nothochrysa capitata Nothochrysa capitata
Nothochrysa capitata, Holt Lowes (Norfolk, UK), 1st July 2017

This individual was photographed before I was systematically recording lacewings and remained undocumented until I discovered the photo in my archives in February 2022. I wonder how many others have been photographed but not submitted by moth-recorders?

Nothochrysa capitata
Nothochrysa capitata, Woodcock Corner (Norfolk, UK), 12th July 2014