
Orius laevigatus

Most of the Orius bugs I've found have been females can be very tricky to identify. This one is apparently a common species.

This male was swept from Yarrow (though other plants were also present) and its identification was confirmed by the double flagellum on the paramere. Most species of Orius were eliminated by the long hairs in each corner of the pronotum but this feature is shared by Orius niger. The mid tibia are supposed to be darker on niger, but on this specimen they could hardly be described as pale brown (as described for laevigatus, in contrast to dark brown or black for niger). Orius niger can be much darker overall, but more importantly males have a single flagellum on the paramere.

Orius laevigatus Orius laevigatus Orius laevigatus Orius laevigatus
male Orius laevigatus (showing pronotum, mid tibia and paramere), North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 9th September 2021