
Nysius senecionis

The clear-cut dark bases to the second segment of the antennae helped ID this, having ruled out huttoni by the shorter hairs on the clavus and general shape. At first I wasn't quite sure if I could eliminate graminicola as the length of the first segment of the hind tarsus seemed to be about the same as the second and third segments combined, not shorter as described on the British Bugs website. However due to the curvature this was difficult to measure precisely, and after checking Kirby this allows for the first segment to be "not or scarcely longer" which fits ok. The bucculae (the ridge adjacent to the rostrum - a new term for me) were close to even height, although a shade narrower towards the rear. There were vague longitudinal stripes on the thorax.

Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis
Nysius senecionis showing thorax and antennal bases, hind tarsus and bucculae, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 29th April 2023

This one turned up in a clearwing pheremone lure trap in my garden, the first I've seen here. It was alive in the photo, but didn't seem to have the energy to stretch its legs out.

Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis
Nysius senecionis showing antenna and hind tarsus, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 10th May 2023

When I was researching the ID for the ones above I didn't notice the mention on the British Bugs website of the extent of matt area of the metapleuron, so I've added a photo of that here. These came to LED lights on a sheet during a one-hour survey - at least six of them. The first and second photos are possibly the same individual and the first photo is certainly the one for which I've included close-up photos further down.

Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis Nysius senecionis
4-5x Nysius senecionis showing metapleuron, clavus hairs and hind tarsus, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 14th May 2023