
Dicyrtomina saundersi

A particularly attractive globular springtail. The contrast between the darker tip and the paler base of the antennae was a little subtler than I expected, but nevertheless evident. The similar Dicyrtomina ornata lacks this contrast and the dark blotch at the rear of the abdomen is typically less barred. The very tip of the abdomen is also typically unmarked yellow on saundersi (as here) and not on ornata. Having said that Hopkin wasn't convinced they are really different species.

Dicyrtomina saundersi Dicyrtomina saundersi Dicyrtomina saundersi Dicyrtomina saundersi Dicyrtomina saundersi
Dicyrtomina saundersi, Ling Plantation, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 14th March 2022