
Scorpionflies (Mecoptera)

There are only four representatives of this small order in Britain, three Scorpionflies in the family Panorpidae (all in the genus Panorpa) and the Snow Flea Boreus hyemalis in the family Boreidae. The essential reference for adult scorpionflies is the FSC Aidgap guide, "A key to the adults of British lacewings and their allies" by Colin W Plant (1997).

Although in their own separate order, scorpionflies are often lumped together with lacewings (order Neuroptera) for recording purposes, and as such come under my responsibility as county recorder for lacewings and allied insects (although apparently they are no longer thought to be very closely-related to lacewings). Please send me any records of scorpionflies in Norfolk.

Some sources, including Brock (2021), state that Scorpionflies can be identified based on their wing patterns. This is contra Plant (1997) and based on my experience I agree with Plant - for example Panorpa germanica frequently shows two of the main characters given in Brock as diagnostic for communis. When submitting records of scorpionflies please indicate how you have identified them. If you are lucky enough to find cognata (not hugely rare but I examined over 100 scorpionflies before I found one) then photographic evidence would be especially helpful.

Panorpa cognata

Panorpa cognata Panorpa cognata Panorpa cognata Panorpa cognata

Panorpa cognata Panorpa cognata

Panorpa communis

Panorpa communis Panorpa communis Panorpa communis Panorpa communis

Panorpa communis Panorpa communis

Panorpa germanica

Panorpa germanica Panorpa germanica Panorpa germanica Panorpa germanica

Panorpa germanica Panorpa germanica