
Pine-blossom Knot-horn Vitula biviella

Formerly a very rare migrant to the UK from Europe, records have increased in recent years and small breeding populations have become established. In Norfolk first recorded in 2015 with a scattering of records around the county since. Most sites have just single records but there have been lots at Holme and at a couple of sites in the Brecks suggesting colonisation has occured in these areas (and perhaps also in the Dersingham area where singles have been recorded at several sites).

This one was my first. I was pretty confident from its external appearance that it was biviella, but with it still being rare in mid Norfolk I confirmed it by checking the genitalia. Worn specimens could be confused with Ephestia species or other knot-horns like, for example, Assara terebrella.

Vitula biviella Vitula biviella Vitula biviella
Vitula biviella Vitula biviella
male Pine-blossom Knot-horn Vitula biviella showing genitalia, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 21st July 2023