
Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera)

I've not started adding these systematically yet but as I come across new ones or individuals that have provided ID challenges I will add them in an ad hoc manner. I have a vast amount of material to add here in a more systematic way when I get time...

Family Eriocraniidae (spring jewels)

Eriocrania unimaculella

Eriocrania unimaculella

Family Nepticulidae (dots)

Stigmella sakhalinella Stigmella lapponica Stigmella hybnerella Etainia sericopeza

Stigmella sakhalinella Etainia sericopeza

Family Tineidae (fungus moths, nest moths, clothes moths, etc.)

Triaxomasia caprimulgella Triaxomasia caprimulgella Triaxomasia caprimulgella Nemaxera betulinella

Triaxomasia caprimulgella Triaxomasia caprimulgella

Family Gracillariidae (stilts, parornixes, leaf-miners, etc.)

Caloptilia honoratella Caloptilia hemidactylella Acrocercops brongniardella Phyllonorycter hilarella

Caloptilia honoratella Phyllonorycter hilarella

Family Yponomeutidae (ermines, spiners, drabs and needle-miners)

Zelleria oleastrella Zelleria oleastrella Zelleria oleastrella Zelleria oleastrella

Zelleria oleastrella Zelleria oleastrella

Family Plutellidae (diamond-backs etc.)

Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella

Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella

Family Lyonetiidae (leaf-miners etc.)

Leucoptera laburnella Leucoptera laburnella Leucoptera laburnella Leucoptera laburnella

Leucoptera laburnella Leucoptera laburnella

Family Depressariidae (buffs, browns, etc.)

Agonopterix propinquella Agonopterix propinquella Agonopterix yeatiana Agonopterix yeatiana

Agonopterix propinquella Agonopterix yeatiana

Family Cosmopterigidae (beauties and borers)

Cosmopterix pulchrimella Cosmopterix pulchrimella Cosmopterix pulchrimella Cosmopterix pulchrimella

Cosmopterix pulchrimella Cosmopterix pulchrimella

Family Gelechiidae (gelechiids)

Chrysoesthia sexguttella Scrobipalpa atriplicella Scrobipalpa ocellatella Scrobipalpa ocellatella

Chrysoesthia sexguttella Scrobipalpa ocellatella

Family Batrachedridae (needle-moths)

Batrachedra confusella Batrachedra confusella Batrachedra confusella

Batrachedra confusella Batrachedra confusella

Family Coleophoridae (case-bearers)

Coleophora tamesis Coleophora lassella Coleophora lassella

Coleophora tamesis Coleophora lassella

Family Elachistidae (grass-miners etc.)

Elachista gangabella Elachista albidella Elachista albidella Elachista freyerella

Elachista gangabella Elachista freyerella

Family Blastobasidae (masoners)

Blastobasis vittata Blastobasis vittata Blastobasis rebeli Blastobasis rebeli

Blastobasis rebeli Blastobasis vittata

Family Pterophoridae (plumes)

Stenoptilia annadactyla Stenoptilia annadactyla Stenoptilia annadactyla

Stenoptilia annadactyla Stenoptilia annadactyla

Family Epermeniidae (ridge-backs)

Phaulernis dentella Phaulernis dentella Phaulernis dentella Phaulernis dentella

Phaulernis dentella Phaulernis dentella

Family Torticidae (tortrixes etc.)

Acleris literana Ancylis laetana Cydia amplana Grapholita tenebrana

Cydia amplana Acleris literana

Family Crambidae (pearls, greys, grass-moths, china-marks, etc.)

Mecyna asinalis Duponchelia fovealis Evergestis limbata Musotima nitidalis

Evergestis limbata Musotima nitidalis

Family Pyralidae (knot-horns, tabbies, etc.)

Apomyelois ceratoniae Homoeosoma nebulella Homoeosoma nimbella Vitula biviella

Apomyelois ceratoniae Vitula biviella

Family Geometridae (geometers)

Mocha Lead Belle Great Oak Beauty Brussels Lace

Brussels Lace Mocha

Family Notodontidae (kittens, prominents, etc.)

Oak Processionary Oak Processionary Oak Processionary Oak Processionary

Oak Processionary Oak Processionary

Family Erebidae (snouts, tussocks, tigers, footmen, marbleds, red underwings, etc.)

Muslin Footman Hoary Footman Dark Crimson Underwing Dark Crimson Underwing

Hoary Footman Dark Crimson Underwing

Family Noctuidae (noctuids)

Dewick's Plusia Marbled Clover Deep-brown Dart Small Ranunculus

Dewick's Plusia Small Ranunculus

Family Nymphalidae (fritillaries, browns, etc.)

Mountain Ringlet Mountain Ringlet Mountain Ringlet Mountain Ringlet

Mountain Ringlet Mountain Ringlet

There are now lots of sources of infomrmation about UK moths which I could recommend. The online sources I find myself referring to most often are: