Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera)
I've not started adding these systematically yet but as I come across new ones or individuals that have provided ID challenges I will add them in an ad hoc manner. I have a vast amount of material to add here in a more systematic way when I get time...
Family Eriocraniidae (spring jewels)
Family Nepticulidae (dots)
Family Tineidae (fungus moths, nest moths, clothes moths, etc.)
Family Gracillariidae (stilts, parornixes, leaf-miners, etc.)
Family Yponomeutidae (ermines, spiners, drabs and needle-miners)
Family Plutellidae (diamond-backs etc.)
Family Lyonetiidae (leaf-miners etc.)
Family Depressariidae (buffs, browns, etc.)
Family Cosmopterigidae (beauties and borers)
Family Gelechiidae (gelechiids)
Family Batrachedridae (needle-moths)
Family Coleophoridae (case-bearers)
Family Elachistidae (grass-miners etc.)
Family Blastobasidae (masoners)
Family Pterophoridae (plumes)
Family Epermeniidae (ridge-backs)
Family Torticidae (tortrixes etc.)
Family Crambidae (pearls, greys, grass-moths, china-marks, etc.)
Family Pyralidae (knot-horns, tabbies, etc.)
Family Geometridae (geometers)
Family Notodontidae (kittens, prominents, etc.)
Family Erebidae (snouts, tussocks, tigers, footmen, marbleds, red underwings, etc.)
Family Noctuidae (noctuids)
Family Nymphalidae (fritillaries, browns, etc.)
There are now lots of sources of infomrmation about UK moths which I could recommend. The online sources I find myself referring to most often are:
- Norfolk Moths (and other county websites, the best of which follow the same template)
- Lepiforum - text in German but a really good selection of photos of moths from across Europe including live and set specimens, different life stages and often genitalia (typically I access species pages from the links on the Norfolk Moths species pages)
- Moth Dissection - a collection of photos of genitalia which is really useful when you're dissecting moths for identification