
Tree Hollow Moth Triaxomasia caprimulgella

The first attempt at assigning vernacular names to micro moths dubbed this one the Small Timber Clothes Moth but this species is not a threat to anyone's clothes. The latest published vernacular names corrects this mis-association. Until very recently thought the be a very rare species, but it is now know to be attracted to the pheremone lure developed for Lunar Hornet Moths, and has been found to be much more widespread than previously realised. Perhaps still not common though - not everyone who has used the lure has found them. The first two below were the first to be recorded in Norfolk, but a few records followed over the next few weeks and again in 2023.

These two were attracted to the lure overnight, which may explain why relatively few have been found despite extensive use of the lure, mostly during the daytime when Lunar Hornet Moths are on the wing. However apparently some people have had them coming to the lure during the daytime too.

Triaxomasia caprimulgella Triaxomasia caprimulgella Triaxomasia caprimulgella Triaxomasia caprimulgella
2x Tree Hollow Moths Triaxomasia caprimulgella, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 23rd June 2022 - the first 3 photos show one individual, the last shows the second individual

These three were also attracted to the Lunar Hornet Moth lure between evening and midnight.

Triaxomasia caprimulgella Triaxomasia caprimulgella Triaxomasia caprimulgella
2x Tree Hollow Moths Triaxomasia caprimulgella, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 6th July 2023

Again this came to the Lumar Hornet Moth lure, either shortly before dusk or in the early part of the night.

Triaxomasia caprimulgella
Tree Hollow Moth Triaxomasia caprimulgella, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 25th June 2024