
Gold-speckled Clothes Moth Nemaxera betulinella

This species seems to be attracted to the Sallow Clearwing pheremone lure.

I found this dead in the bottom of my pheremone lure trap. It was fresh, suggesting that it might have got too hot in the trap, despite me having checked it regularly during the afternoon - perhaps it had been hiding in the top of the trap when I last checked it? The ID appears to be straightforward enough but as I had the specimen it seemed a waste not to check its genitalia.

Nemaxera betulinella Nemaxera betulinella Nemaxera betulinella Nemaxera betulinella Nemaxera betulinella
dead male Gold-speckled Clothes Moths Nemaxera betulinella showing its genitalia, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 18th July 2022