
Madder Pearl Mecyna asinalis

This species has also been known as Coastal Pearl, presumably due to its mainly coastal distribution in the UK.

My first encounter with this species was in Spain (not coastal here, apparently).

Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis
Madder Pearl Mecyna asinalis, between Torrelles de Llobregat and Sant Vicenç dels Horts (Catalonia, Spain), 23rd February 2020

Two individuals caught in Cornwall in October 2022 were more worn such that I could only just make out the darker cross-bands. I was pretty sure of the ID, but in view of their wear I thought it would be wise to check their genitalia to make quite certain.

Mecyna asinalis
Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis
male Madder Pearl Mecyna asinalis showing genitalia (aedeagus separate), Porthgwarra (Cornwall, UK), 17th October 2022

Someone with better Photoshop skills than me could probably combine the second to fourth genitalia photos below to create a single image of the whole genitalia (better quality than the first).

Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis Mecyna asinalis
female Madder Pearl Mecyna asinalis showing genitalia, Porthgwarra (Cornwall, UK), 18th October 2022