
Laburnum Leaf-miner Leucoptera laburnella

This species is most similar to Broom Bent-wing Leucoptera spartifoliella.

This was my first Leucoptera caught in my garden in 9 years. I was pretty sure about the ID based on the extent of orange scales around the tornal spot but this can be difficult to judge on worn individuals and this wasn't the freshest. To be safe (and to gain experience ahead of catching an even more worn one where examining the genitalia would be crucial) I checked the genitalia and this confirmed the ID.

Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella Rhigognostis incarnatella
Laburnum Leaf-miner Leucoptera laburnella showing genitalia (aedeagus and genital plate separately), North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 27th August 2023

Leucoptera laburnella
Laburnum Leaf-miner Leucoptera laburnella, How Hill (Norfolk, UK), 3rd August 2013

Leucoptera laburnella Leucoptera laburnella
Laburnum Leaf-miner Leucoptera laburnella, Bawdeswell (Norfolk, UK), 18th July 2014