
Small Spruce Tortrix Epinotia nanana

Formerly given the vernacular name Small Spruce Bell.

Normally a rare moth but this species seems to have had a really good year in 2022. The small size is noticeable but although fresh examples probably are identifyable on external appearance the species is currently categorised as Grade 4, i.e. requiring confirmation by examination of genitalia. Consequently the number formally recorded will probably always be lower than the number identified by moth-trappers, and I suspect several of the ones I've heard about in 2022 may never make the official record.

My first was an example of one that I was pretty confident about before dissecting it.

Epinotia nanana Epinotia nanana
male Small Spruce Tortrix Epinotia nanana showing genitalia, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 6th July 2022

My second, just a few days later, was also strongly suspected based on its size and external appearance. This one was much more worn though and as such the requirement to confirm it with reference to the genitalia made perfect sense.

Epinotia nanana Epinotia nanana Epinotia nanana Epinotia nanana Epinotia nanana
male Small Spruce Tortrix Epinotia nanana showing genitalia, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 11th July 2022