
Spruce Seed Moth Cydia strobilella

Not recorded in Norfolk between 1884 and 2016 but 12 records that year and several since.

I have deployed the pheremone lure for this species on numerous occasions at home and several times around spruces elsewhere, but to no avail. This one turned up in my garden moth trap on a day when I had not had the lure deployed, but I had had the lure out the day before. I wonder if the moth was attracted to the garden by the lure and stuck around, avoiding going into either the pheremone lure trap or the light trap that night but finally ending up in the moth trap the night after.

Cydia strobilella Cydia strobilella Cydia strobilella Cydia strobilella Cydia strobilella Cydia strobilella
Spruce Seed Moth Cydia strobilella, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 13th April 2024