
Rusty Acorn Piercer Cydia amplana

Formerly given the vernacular name Vagrant Piercer.

Formerly only recorded in the UK as a rare migrant but now established in a few places. In Norfolk the species is regularly caught, sometimes in numbers, in the Brundall area and in Toftwood (Dereham), indicating established populations in these areas at least.

This one was caught by Dave Norgate in Toftwood. It's a big chunky tortrix and unlikely to be confused with anything else when fresh.

Cydia amplana Cydia amplana Cydia amplana
Rusty Acorn Piercer Cydia amplana, Toftwood (Norfolk, UK), 24th July 2023 (caught by Dave Norgate)

With Dave getting them regularly at Toftwood it was only a matter of time before I caught one here, and this is my first. A more worn individual but still fairly easily recognised.

Cydia amplana
Rusty Acorn Piercer Cydia amplana, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 13th August 2024