
Ruddy Carpet Catarhoe rubidata

This species was high up on my most-wanted list when I came across one sitting in the funnel of my moth trap. Wedged in the slighly acute angle between the vane of the funnel and the curved edge, I couldn't get a pot right over it without leaving a gap. Despite exercising maximum care and having a net at the ready just in case, it still managed to make a dash for it as I attempted to coax it into my pot. Making a bee-line for my headtorch and disappearing above my eyes it also eluded my net. So just the one photo taken at a slightly awkward angle, but oh, what a moth!

Ruddy Carpet
Ruddy Carpet Catarhoe rubidata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 2nd July 2024

This appeared in my trap two nights later. It seemed to be a little less intensely-coloured than the first and I initially thought I could make out some differences in the wing markings which led me to think it was probably a second individual. But upon closer inspection I think the difference in markings can be attributed to the angle of the wings and the slightly duller colours can be attributed to two days' worth of wear. There are quite a few tiny details in the pattern that are identical on both so I am pretty sure it was the same moth retrapped.

Ruddy Carpet Ruddy Carpet
probably the same Ruddy Carpet Catarhoe rubidata, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 4th July 2024