
Dotted Masoner Blastobasis vittata

An adventive species that has not yet been recorded in Norfolk but is apparently well-recorded in some southern counties. Previously called Sussex Dowd.

It was by some chance that I was able to identify this individual. The trap contained a fair number of Blastobasis consisting of a mixture of what proved to be Black-banded Masoner Blastobasis rebeli, a new species for me, and what I took to be Common Masoner Blastobasis adustella. I retained some rebeli in order to confirm them by examining the genitalia, but was mindful that Blastobasis genitalia do not differ in particularly dramatic ways, and I thought it might prove helpful to make sure I had an adustella to compare them to. This individual was retained for that purpose and although with the benefit of hindsight I think there were clues in its appearance, it wasn't until I examined its genitalia that I realised it was in fact not adustella but vittata, another new species to me. Fortunately I was continuing to catch adustella at home when I looked at these so was able to obtain some comparative adustella material as well.

Blastobasis vittata Blastobasis vittata Blastobasis vittata Blastobasis vittata Blastobasis vittata Blastobasis vittata Blastobasis vittata
male Dotted Masoner Blastobasis vittata showing its genitalia including close-ups of its gnathos, uncus (2 angles) and valva, High Hurstwood (East Sussex, UK), 23rd July 2022