
Unidentified antlions

These two antlions were found in Malawi. I don't have any references that enable confident identification of antlions here, but if anyone can offer help please do get in touch.

I haven't yet found a good match for a species that looks like the first one, although one or two Palpares sp. look quite similar.

unidentified antlion, perhaps Palpares sp.
unidentified antlion, perhaps Palpares sp., Dzalanyama (Malawi), 2nd October 2008

The second one was identified from my photo by someone else (not an expert as far as I know) as Palpares sp. There are photos of Palpares caffer and Palpares sobrinus online which look extremely similar, so I suspect it is one of those or another closely related species.

unidentified antlion, perhaps Palpares caffer or sobrinus
unidentified antlion, perhaps Palpares caffer or Palpares sobrinus, Lengwe (Malawi), 21st May 2011