
Lesne's Earwig Forficula lesnei

Having spent years checking earwigs carefully in the hope of finding something other than Common Earwig Forficula auricularia, it was a relief to finally come across something different.

This individual came to light. Although the shape of the forceps seemed to point to Lesne's, and the absence of wings protruding from beneath the short elytra supported the ID, I retained the specimen to make sure I wasn't going wrong (having previously suspected Lesser Earwig Labia minor a few times, only to be disappointed on closer examination, finding they were small or immature Common Earwigs). The way the second tarsal segment extends beneath the third segment (visible in the side view, below) and does so broadly (visible in the photo taken from beneath) appears to confirm that we are dealing with an adult earwig, and the relatively long fourth segment of the antennae confirms that it is indeed Lesne's.

Lesne's Earwig Lesne's Earwig Lesne's Earwig Lesne's Earwig Lesne's Earwig
male Lesne's Earwig Forficula lesnei shwowing tarsus (from side and below) and basal segments of antennae, Porthgwarra (Cornwall, UK), 18th October 2022