Scirtidae (marsh beetles)
I have found a couple of members of Ptinidae can key out to Scirtidae when using Unwin's family key if you're not very careful. The first may have been my error as I was not clear if the hind tarsus was lobed or not - the middle tarsus was clearly so and I thought the hind tarsus probably was too, so keyed it this way and ended up at Scirtidae. Apparently it wasn't lobed, or at least I needed to key it as such. The second should have keyed to Anobiidae using Unwin (now considered to be part of Ptinidae) but the thorax did not cover the head as Unwin suggests it should (it was, however, hood-shaped, so I should have checked both options).
Elodes sp.
Contacyphon variablilis
Contacyphon hilaris
Contacyphon ochraceus
Contacyphon padi
Contacyphon coarctatus
Contacyphon palustris
Prionocyphon serricornis