
Cercyon quisquilius

I used Duff to identify this first and it keyed straight to quisquilius. I double-checked the ID by using Hackston and this was useful as it contributed a couple of additional confirmatory characters but also had a problem as I do not consider that the raised area on the metasternum is sharply bordered on the front margin, as required at couplet 6. However the other main character at this couplet suggested I should continue as if it was (i.e. the palps were pale except for the terminal segment). Just in case, I followed the alternative route too, and that soon led to a dead-end.

As you can see in the photos, this beetle had a mite crawling over it.

Cercyon quisquilius Cercyon quisquilius Cercyon quisquilius Cercyon quisquilius Cercyon quisquilius Cercyon quisquilius Cercyon quisquilius Cercyon quisquilius Cercyon quisquilius
Cercyon quisquilius showing pronotum side, elytal base, prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 8th September 2023