
Apechthis compunctor

This was watched and photographed for a while before netting and retaining it in order to maximise my chance of getting an ID. In the end this proved relatively easy. Initially the species was suspected after image matching, and then looking at NatureSpot it seemed like the downturned ovipositor clinched the ID, but to make quite sure I then keyed it using the RES key to subfamily Pimplinae.

Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor Apechthis compunctor
female Apechthis compunctor showing mesopleural furrow, ovipositor, face, hind tarsal claw, propodeum, hind tibia, forewing and hindwing, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 12th September 2024