
Tenthredopsis litterata

This was one of two similar individuals flying around an Oak tree. It wasn't far from where I had found what I identified as Tenthredopsis nassata on almost the same date in 2020, so I imagined it would be the same species, although there were differences in its appearance. Keying it out to make sure, I realised it fitted litterata better (though I wouldn't have described any colour on its head as white so I wasn't sure) and I confirmed this by examining the penis valve.

Tenthredopsis litterata Tenthredopsis litterata Tenthredopsis litterata Tenthredopsis litterata Tenthredopsis litterata Tenthredopsis litterata Tenthredopsis litterata
male Tenthredopsis litterata showing first tergite, forewing, genital capsule and penis valve, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 24th May 2024