
Tenthredo baetica

This species has been appearing in East Anglia since 2019 having previously only been recorded a few times. The species used to be known as Elinora flaveola and keys to this using the Wright and Benson keys.

I went a bit wrong with this initially - having assumed it would prove to be one of the Tenthredo I was a bit careless using Wright and skipped past the couplet that led to Elinora - and then went straight to Tenthredo in Benson. That led me to a dead-end, as did a couple of other keys, but I couldn't help but notice some similarities to photos of Tenthredo baetica online. Andy Musgrove agreed it looked good for that and pointed out that it was down as Elinora flaveola in the keys which I'd not realised; armed with that knowledge I checked back and confirmed that it did indeed key to this.

Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica Tenthredo baetica
female Tenthredo baetica showing forewing, base of tergites 1 & 2, hind tibial spur and basitarsus, upperside of abdomen, length, hypopygium amd saw (with close-up of central section), Bintree Mill (Norfolk, UK), 7th June 2022