
Macrophya annulata

Some references use the vernacular name Cinquefoil Strider for this species. At least two different references state that this is one of the first sawflies one learns to recognise in the field. Well it's the 55th species of adult sawfly that I've identified so hardly among the first, although to be fair there aren't many of the 54 that I am confident identifying in the field, so maybe they're right.

This was found on Hazel. Examining the specimen I was struck by its powerful appearance, dull grey-black and thick-set. I keyed it to genus using Wright and to species using the old RES key.

Macrophya annulata Macrophya annulata Macrophya annulata Macrophya annulata Macrophya annulata Macrophya annulata Macrophya annulata
female Macrophya annulata showing head front-on, close-up of labrum, long hind femur and wings, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 17th May 2024