
Dolerus nitens

2020 was the first year I started routinely attempting to identify Dolerus sawflies so it was with a smidgen of "beginner's luck" that the first one I caught that year proved to be this relatively scarce species (only one previous modern-day record in Norfolk).

Dolerus nitens Dolerus nitens
male Dolerus nitens showing its aedeagus, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 25th March 2020

This one was a similarly early-spring record.

Dolerus nitens Dolerus nitens Dolerus nitens Dolerus nitens Dolerus nitens
male Dolerus nitens showing its forewing and aedeagus (both halves), Gressenhall (Norfolk, UK), 23rd March 2022