
Dolerus gonager

The red tips to the femora and bases to the tibia are shared by Dolerus puncticollis but on that species the side lobes of the mesonotum, shown in the third photo below, are clearly punctured, not shining and sparsely punctured as here in gonager. The shape of the penis valve is diagnostic - on this specimen the small broadened tip at the base (left in the images below) was oriented differently to the main paddle of the valve, so two photos are shown, one with the paddle end flat and the other with the thin end flat.

Dolerus gonager Dolerus gonager Dolerus gonager
Dolerus gonager Dolerus gonager
male Dolerus gonager showing its mesonotum and two views of the penis valve, Dillington Carr (Norfolk, UK), 16th April 2022

Dolerus gonager Dolerus gonager aedeagus
male Dolerus gonager showing its penis valve, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 2nd May 2020