
Claremontia tenuicornis agg.

This Claremontia larva found was on Meadowsweet but it is not entirely clear if it is tenuicornis, uncta or alchemillae. I initially put it down as tenuicornis as this is the only Meadowsweet-feeding Claremontia species showing on the spreadsheet showing the foodplants of British sawfly larvae which can be downloaded from the British Sawflies website, but other sources show a number of other species in the genus can also feed on Meadowsweet. It sounds like there may be some uncertainty as to which species feeds on Meadowsweet in the UK, so for now safest to leave its ID at the aggregate level.

Claremontia tenuicornis agg. larva Claremontia tenuicornis agg. larva
Claremontia tenuicornis agg. larva on Meadowsweet, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 27th and 30th May 2020