
Single-striped Black Hairy-eye Tricyphona immaculata

This was fairly straightforward to identify using Stubbs. The wing was 7.7mm long.

Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata
female Single-striped Black Hairy-eye Tricyphona immaculata showing eyes, antennae, wing, side of body and abdomen tip (from side and above), Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 1st October 2023

This one was a touch greyer (i.e. less black) than the previous one which caused me to hesitate at the couplet in the key where it genus Tricyphona om the basis of the body and coxae being black in Tricyphona vs. partly yellow or all pale brown on some Dicranota species. However the body and coxae were clearly grey not brown or yellow, so I think this fitted best, plus it had 15 antennal segments (13, 16 or 17 in the Dicranota species covered by the alternative option).

Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata Tricyphona immaculata
female Single-striped Black Hairy-eye Tricyphona immaculata showing wing, eyes and antenna, , Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 9th May 2024