
Polietes meridionalis

I made a bit of a meal of identifying this, thanks entirely to incorrectly keying it to Anthomyiidae. There must have been some moisture on the fly when I potted it and by the time I came to examine it the wings were quite bedraggled making it difficult to determine precise details of the venation. However I was sure vein 6 reached the margin on both wings which should have made it Anthomyiidae not Muscidae. I was never convinced it was Anthomyiidae but spent a long time attempting to key it as such before eventually arriving at a conclusion that just didn't seem right. It was a common enough species but photos online didn't look like my fly (notably the wing venation differed). The ObsIdentify app thought it was a Polietes sp. (a muscid) so I tried Mike Hackston's Muscidae keys and sure enough it keyed pretty easily to Polietes meridionalis. I can only assume that the damage to the wings prevented me from being able to see vein 6 stopping short of the margin.

Polietes meridionalis
Polietes meridionalis Polietes meridionalis Polietes meridionalis Polietes meridionalis
Polietes meridionalis showing squamae, anterior spiracle, postegenal hairs and face, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 18th November 2022