
Ocelot Twist-tail Ilisia maculata

This one was swept from Hazel in a semi-natural ancient woodland. The wing pattern is diagnostic (this one's wing was 5mm long). It shouldn't normally be necessary to refer to the genitalia to identify this species but as I had a male specimen I figured I might as well show it. I'm not sure how much they differ from Ilisia occoecata (male genitalia is only illustrated in Stubbs (2021) for occoecata and looks pretty similar to my specimen - maybe the black styles aren't shown quite as long as is my maculata?)

Ilisia maculata Ilisia maculata Ilisia maculata Ilisia maculata
Ocelot Twist-tail Ilisia maculata, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 17th June 2024

This one came to light on the edge of damp woodland and disappeared as soon as I took the photo. Fortunately the wing pattern is pretty distinctive so I was able to identify it without a specimen.

Ilisia maculata
Ocelot Twist-tail Ilisia maculata, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 14th July 2024