
Dove-grey Longtail Dicranophragma nemorale

This was keyed using the Stubbs BENHS book. I forgot to check for tibial spines and erroneously jumped to subfamily Chioneinae where naturally I hit a dead end. I matched it to nemorale initially by comparing the genitalia to diagrams in the book, but then realising my error it keyed well enough once I used the subfamily Limnophilinae key. The key seemed to suggest that the anterior pits should have been darker and more obvious than they were. The forwing was 6.0mm long.

Dicranophragma nemorale Dicranophragma nemorale Dicranophragma nemorale Dicranophragma nemorale Dicranophragma nemorale Dicranophragma nemorale Dicranophragma nemorale Dicranophragma nemorale
male Dove-grey Longtail Dicranophragma nemorale showing tibial spur, thorax from side, thorax from above, thorax from in front (showing indistinct anterior pits), wing and genitalia, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 16th July 2024