
Agromyza idaeiana

This is a provisional identification for which I would be grateful for any confirmation or correction.

These mines are some of a few on a small young Bramble growing as a weed in a narrow border up against the side of my house. I couldn't find a good match from among the species listed as occuring on Bramble at the British Leafminers website - the nearest being coastal species that don't occur in Norfolk. But the UK Flymines website had some other options including this, and I think it looks about right. The mines form extensive blotching, often but not always largely contained within two adjacent veins, and also show evidence of relatively narrow galleries, presumably from early in their development. All of them are obviously pink in colour, though they appear to be quite old mines and I didn't notice them earlier, so I'm not sure if that's just an age thing or not.

probable Agromyza idaeiana leaf-mine in Bramble probable Agromyza idaeiana leaf-mine in Bramble probable Agromyza idaeiana leaf-mine in Bramble probable Agromyza idaeiana leaf-mine in Bramble
apparent Agromyza idaeiana leaf-mines in Bramble, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 8th April 2023