Limnephilus bipunctatus
This came to light in my garden and was could not easily be assigned to any of the species I catch regularly. Based on the external markings Limnephilus bipunctatus seemed favourite, a species I'd not encountered before, but it seemed wise to check the genitalia to be sure. By the time I examined it the abdomen was slightly mouldy and dried, and although it looked good I was not completely sure, so I macerated it in KOH for a clearer view. Comparing it to the diagram in Barnard & Ross the lower appendage (at least I think that's what it is) seemed more wiggly-edged and than shown there. But the upturned end of the mid appendage was exactly as shown in Wallace & Flint and comparison of the dorsal view, parameres and aedeagus with the photos at the Fennoscandinavica website left little room for doubt.
male Limnephilus bipunctatusshowing abdomen tip (from side before and after clearing, from below and from above), superior, mid and lower appendages, paramere (2 orientations) and aedeagus (flat and side), North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 22nd September 2024