
Ophion longigena

I spent over two hours attempting to key this using both Gavin Broad's key to nocturnal Ichneumonidae and the Swedish review by Johansson and Cederberg, before arriving tentatively at longigena. I had a number of concerns with this ID, not least that the lateral carinae of the scutellum are strong in the basal half which is contradicted in GB's key. I returned to it after a few weeks and spent another 2 hours carefully working through both keys. I remained stumped using GB's but eventually arrived at longigena again with some degree of confidence using the Swedish review. Reading the account of longigena in that review I spotted something I'd missed first time around, which is that yes, the scutellum should have distinct lateral carinae at least in basal half. It looks like longigena often has weaker propodeal carinae than my specimen, but I can't see anything that goes against identifying it as longigena. Of course I always welcome feedback, but unless anyone disagrees I think I'm happy to call this longigena.

My passage through the key in the Swedish paper runs as follows:

The forwing was somewhere between 14mm and 15mm.

Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena Ophion longigena
apparent Ophion longigena showing mandibles, close-up of face showing distances between tentorial pits & eye, antennae with close-ups of first flagellomeres (two views), subapical flagellomeres and central flagellomeres, lateral ocellus and eye gap, temples from above and side, epicnemial carina, scutellum (2 views), propodeum (2 views), first metasoma segment, tip of abdomen, hind femora, hind tibial spine and first tarsal segements and wings, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 6th July 2023