
Trypeta zoe

I used the RES key to identify this (both the original key published by RES and Mike Hackston's version of it). It was straightforward enough to get it to genus but then became problematic:

At this point therefore there were clear contradictions with the criteria given in the key whichever of the three species it was (assuming it was one of the three) and none of the photos of any of the three species I could find online exactly matched mine. In case I had miskeyed in getting to genus I checked through all the wings shown in the RES key and examined images of the most similar species online, but I cannot find anything else that has similar wing pattern. I'm assuming there isn't a new species present that is omitted from the key as there are no other species listed in e.g. NBN Atlas.

Finally to resolve the conundrum I checked the aculeus, and the shape of this appears to confirm that the fly is Trypeta zoe. Comparing it with the diagrams in the original RES key the point is too long and attentuated to be artemisiae and too rapidly widening away from the point to be immaculata - the shape exactly matches the diagram for zoe. The preapical serrations also match the diagram for zoe best.

Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe Trypeta zoe
female Trypeta zoe showing head from side, sternopleura, hind femur, postgenal setae and aculeus (with close-up of tip and closer-up of preapical serrations), North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 13th April 2024