
Buttercup Blacklet Cheilosia albitarsis

I must be geting better as I identified this (albeit tentatively) as a Cheilosia sp. in the field - the last one I didn't even realise was a hoverfly until I examined it. Nevertheless, my attempt to catch it failed and I nearly deleted the photo as I didn't imagine that I'd be able to get a Cheilosia to species level from a photo. I was surprised, and somewhat sceptical, when ObsIdentify offered an identification with 100% confidence, but on looking it up it does seem to be accurate. I think I can even see the front tarsus clearly enough in the photo to eliminate the very similar Cheilosia ranunculi. Nevertheless, I'd be happy to take advice from more experienced hoverfly recorders if you don't think this photo is sufficient evidence to record it as albitarsis.

Cheilosia albitarsis
male Buttercup Blacklet Cheilosia albitarsis, Bintree Mill (Norfolk, UK), 5th May 2023