
Aphids, sacle insects, whiteflies and jumping plant lice (Stenorrhynca)

So far I've only been through the jumping plant lice systematically - lots more to be added when I go through the aphids systematically as well...

Aphids (family Aphididae)

Aphis jacobaeae Pterocomma salicis Tuberolachnus salignus Rhopalosiphum padi

Aphis jacobaeae Pterocomma salicis

Scale Insects (superfamily Coccoidea)

Coccus hesperidum Coccus hesperidum Coccus hesperidum Coccus hesperidum

Coccus hesperidum Coccus hesperidum

Jumping Plant Lice (superfamily Psylloidea)

Arytainilla spartiophila Cacopsylla ambigua Psyllopsis fraxinicola Chamaepsylla hartigi

Arytainilla spartiophila Cacopsylla ambigua