
Ragwort Aphid Aphis jacobaeae

This colony on Ragwort was attended by ants. It was the first year in four that I haven't seen Cinnabar caterpillars in this field despite an abundant crop of Ragwort; reading about the relationships between Ragwort Aphids, ants and Cinnabar larvae (e.g. as described on InfluentialPoints.com) it may not be a coincidence that I found these for the first time the same year.

The dark legs (except the bases of the femora) are useful for the identification - for example Black Bean Aphid Aphis fabae which may also occur on Ragwort has pale tibia.

Aphis jacobaeae Aphis jacobaeae Aphis jacobaeae Aphis jacobaeae Aphis jacobaeae Aphis jacobaeae Aphis jacobaeae Aphis jacobaeae
Ragwort Aphids Aphis jacobaeae including cleared and set specimens, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 2nd July 2021