
Common Dogwood-grass Aphid Anoecia corni

Some Niger appeared in my un-mown lawn in 2023, presumably from bird food put out at least two winters before. I checked it for any insects and found a single winged aphid. I couldn't find any species listed as occurring on Niger but it was a disticntive-looking aphid so I thought I might be able to get an ID. After a bit of searching I came across this species but noted that there were similar Anoecia species that needed to be eliminated.

The Blackman, Dransfield & Brightwell key provides information about how to identify corni. The presence of flat round tubercles on segments including 5 & 6 eliminated furcata (assuming I identified the tubercles correctly - I'd expected them to be on the upper side but they were at the edges of the sternites). I think the detail of the rhinaria and the relative length of the rostral and tarsal segments were sufficient to eliminate both vagans and major.

Anoecia corni Anoecia corni Anoecia corni Anoecia corni Anoecia corni Anoecia corni Anoecia corni
Common Dogwood-grass Aphid Anoecia corni cleared abdomen side from below, hind tarsus, rostrum and antenna, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 19th August 2023