
Xyleborinus saxesenii

I found this quite tricky to key but in the end I think it must be this species. Deciding whether or not the scutellum was clearly visible (Xyleborus) or hardly (if at all) visible (Xyleborinus) was one of the challenges - I could see a tiny raised thing where the scutellum should be, but it was quite hard to see with high magnification. To be safe I checked both routes, but the two Xyleborus species didn't quite fit.

Duff describes saxesenii body as dark brown to tawny, but I'd have said mine was virtually black. In fact it wasn't completely black - there was a mahogany-brown tone. Most photos online show a paler insect but some are just like mine, so I don't think this is a problem. The beetle was around 2.3-2.4mm long, within range for females.

Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii Xyleborinus saxesenii
Xyleborinus saxesenii showing close-ups of pronotum, antenna (two views), fore tibia and tarsi (2 views), prosternum, scutellum and rear of elytra from side, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 11th September 2023