Bloody-nosed Beetle Timarcha tenebricosa
I'm not sure there are any beetles that I've seen (and identified) more often than this but which I also haven't seen at all since starting to look at beetles fairly seriously. I'm not sure if they've declined much in Norfolk but I suspect it's as much (if not more) to do with me spending more time inland and less at the coast - it doesn't look like there have ever been many records close to where I spend most of my time now.
Bloody-nosed Beetle Timarcha tenebricosa, Syderstone Common (Norfolk, UK), 9th April 2015
I don't have any good references on how to identify beetle larvae but there are plenty of pictures on the internet of larvae looking like this which are confidently identified as Bloody-nosed Beetles - my working assumption is that this is correct, but please let me know if other species can't be ruled out.
Bloody-nosed Beetle Timarcha tenebricosa larva, Whin Hill (Norfolk, UK), 13th June 2016
Bloody-nosed Beetle Timarcha tenebricosa, Syderstone Common (Norfolk, UK), 7th April 2015
I have a recollection of seeing a Bloody-nosed Beetle here that was exuding the red fluid that gives it its name. Whether it was this one, and I didn't manage to photograph that, or whether it was another one from before the days I had a camera I'm not sure.
Bloody-nosed Beetle Timarcha tenebricosa, Titchwell (Norfolk, UK), 17th August 2004