
Scolytus intricatus

The AIDGAP families key got me to Scolytidae (the bark beetles) which is now treated as a subfamily (Scolytinae) within Curculionidae. I was in some doubt as the scape didn't seem long and at first I couldn't make out the individual funinculus segments before the club.

I used Duff to key it to species. I'm happy in the end but differentiating between intricatus and mali wasn't easy. The pronotum puncturing was fine and sparse towards the middle but much coarser around the sides in particular, and extensively rugose here too which is what clinched it for me in the end. Part of the challenge was the size - I measured the distance from the front of the head to the tip of the elytra and it came out at 3.63mm, within range for mali and just over the top end of intricatus. But I had measured the beetle as on its side and with the head being so much lower than the elytra I was effectively adding vertical height to my measurement. Placed dorsally and re-measured it came out at 3.54mm, comfortably within range for intricatus (and also mali, just). Even at 60x magnification I couldn't really make out the elytral reticulation (supposed to be visible at 50x on intricatus) except towards the base of the suture.

Scolytus intricatus Scolytus intricatus Scolytus intricatus Scolytus intricatus Scolytus intricatus Scolytus intricatus Scolytus intricatus Scolytus intricatus
Scolytus intricatus showing close-ups of antennae, pronotum (two angles) and size (the wrong and right ways of measuring), North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 12th July 2022