Quedius sp.
I found this beetle upside down, moribund, on the toilet seat in my bathroom. Strangely I can't find any species of rove beetle with this listed as its typical habitat. I had all manner of difficulties keying it to genus, but eventually got to Quedius which seems reasonably satisfactory - though I'm not 100% sure that's right. Keying it to species within that genus I got to Quedius nigrocaeruleus, but I'm far from convinced that is correct - indeed I suspect it is not.
If I'm right in getting it to Quedius, then the relatively small eyes and confusedly punctate elytra with an even covering of hair place it in subgenus Microsaurus. The elytra was black, the first antennal segment was mostly black, the abdomen was black and both the head and pronotum had setae pretty much exactly where the setae that are important for ID are meant to be on nigrocaeruleus. However some of the other setae did not match those shown in the diagrams for nigrocaeruleus, for example it didn't appear to have any setae on disc of the pronotum in the front half, where nigrocaeruleus is shown as having two rows of two. Maybe these are variable and it is nigrocaeruleus, but I suspect I've gone wrong somewhere - very possibly in getting it to genus.
I dissected it in hope of finding an aedeagus but the abdomen was devoid of any such aparatus so I assume it was a female (not that I could find anything that I recognised as being female genitalia either). So for now I'm unable to take it any further so I've retained it to re-examine when I've got a bit more experience under the belt. In the meatime if you're looking at this and have a good idea what it is or might be then please get in touch.
Update: I have now re-examined this following the publication of Duff and I am fairly satisfied that I was correct in getting it to Quedius and probably correct in getting it to subgenus Microsaurus (although I wasn't convinced sg. Raphirus wasn't a better fit, but the first couplet in the Raphirus key was a dead end as the scutellum was both glabrous and punctured). The fore body length was around 5mm and the elytra edges were yellowish. One thing that was clear from Duff was that in order to get a certain ID I would need it to be a male, and as it was a female I don't think this can be resolved (although feel free to tell me if you think otherwise).
female Quedius sp. showing head (4 photos, the last showing the pair of setae (or their punctures) behind the eye), pronotum (2 photos, the second showing the side bristle), elytra, abdominal tergites (2 photos), abdominal sternites and cleared tip of abdomen, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 13th December 2021