
Hornet Rove Beetle Quedius dilatatus

Until recently known as Velleius dilatatus it is now lumped into the large genus Quedius (though still subgenus Valleius).

This impressive beast appeared in my garden moth trap. Although a distinctive species there didn't seem to be many records in Norfolk so I checked the ID with Martin Collier, Norfolk County Recorder for beetles. He confirmed that it was the fourth Norfolk record, adding that it has apparently spread in recent years. The species is associated with Hornets (its larvae developing in Hornet nests) so it may not be entirely coincidental that 2018 was far and away my best ever year for Hornets in the moth trap.

Quedius dilatatus Quedius dilatatus Quedius dilatatus Quedius dilatatus Quedius dilatatus Quedius dilatatus
Hornet Rove Beetle Quedius dilatatus, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 26th July 2018