
Psylliodes dulcamarae

The majority of flea beetles I find belong to this genus, recognised by having only 10 segments to the antennae and the hind tarsae emerging from the tibia subapically. Most are Psylliodes chrysocephala and I collected one of those together with this beetle. This one was clearly smaller and had a much more conspicous metallic blue on the elytra. When keying out chrysocephala in the past I have sometimes struggled to decide if all the punctures on the pronotum were the same size or not (they should be), but on this dulcamarae the difference in size between the large coarse punctures and the small fine punctures was extremely obvious leaving absolutely no doubt which way to go at this couplet. It keyed to dulcamarae pretty well using Duff, but I don't find these easy so, especially with this being my first, I was pleased to get the confirmation by seeing the spermatheca with its distinctive collum.

Psylliodes dulcamarae Psylliodes dulcamarae hind tibia and tarsus Psylliodes dulcamarae pronotum showing anteria callus Psylliodes dulcamarae pronotum showing punctures Psylliodes dulcamarae spermatheca
female Psylliodes dulcamarae showing its hind tibia and tarsus, two views of its pronotum, one showing the anterior callus and the other showing its punctures, and its spermatheca, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 1st November 2020