
Turnip Flea Beetle Phyllotreta nigripes

The precise form of the puncturing on the frons and elytra were key to the identification of this individual. You can also see the reticulation of the elytral microsculpture very easily. As far as I know the spermatheca isn't useful for identification, but as I had to dissect it to sex it (there may be an easier way but I don't know it) I might as well include a picture of it.

Phyllotreta ochripes Phyllotreta ochripes Phyllotetra ochripes Phyllotetra ochripes Phyllotetra ochripes
female Phyllotreta nigripes showing its head puncturing, elyral puncturing and microscultpure and spermatheca, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 19th April 2021