
Orthoperus nigrescens

I found this beetle on my trousers as I got in my car after a walk through fen, grassland and arable margins - not sure which of these I picked it up from, or perhaps it landed on me as I got in the car? It is a tiny beetle (0.8mm long) and the identification requires high magnification. Examining the elytra in situ I was unable to clearly see the setiferous papillae among the elytral microsculpture even under high magnification. Removing the elytra so the light shone through it enabled me to see this character much more clearly. This, together with the structure of the metasternum, appeared to point to nigrescens and the aedeagus confirmed it.

Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens Orthoperus nigrescens
male Orthoperus nigrescens showing wing, metasternum, pronotal hind angle, pronotal foremargin, elytra (2 views, in situ and removed) and aedeagus (2 views), Gressenhall (Norfolk, UK), 1st May 2024