
Ivy Boring Beetle Ochina ptinoides

This one was beaten off Field Maple.

Ochina ptinoides
Ivy Boring Beetle Ochina ptinoides, St Mary's churchyard, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 16th July 2021

This was spotted on an Ash tree leaf and duly potted for identification.

Ochina ptinoides Ochina ptinoides
Ivy Boring Beetle Ochina ptinoides, Tivetshall St Mary (Norfolk, UK), 10th June 2023

This one was potted off a Hop leaf.

Ochina ptinoides
Ivy Boring Beetle Ochina ptinoides, St Mary's churchyard, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 2nd July 2021

These two were found separately: one appeared on the pots I was bringing in from the moth trap, but I don't think it had come out of the moth trap itself, and the other was found on the underside of an Apple leaf.

Ochina ptinoides Ochina ptinoides
2x Ivy Boring Beetles Ochina ptinoides, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 11th June 2023

This one appeared in my pheremone lure trap. There was no lure set (or lure cage present, so unlikely to be any residual pheremone scent), so I'm not sure if it was attracted to the coloured lid or if it just ended up in there by accident.

Ochina ptinoides Ochina ptinoides
Ivy Boring Beetle Ochina ptinoides, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 18th June 2023

This one was potted off a Sycamore trunk.

Ochina ptinoides
Ivy Boring Beetle Ochina ptinoides, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 17th May 2020

This one was in my moth trap.

Ochina ptinoides Ochina ptinoides
Ivy Boring Beetle Ochina ptinoides, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 26th May 2024

This one was in a vane trap.

Ochina ptinoides Ochina ptinoides
Ivy Boring Beetle Ochina ptinoides, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 3rd June 2024